Would you believe, both of our sagas continue? We thought Eva was better. We took her to the Dr. for a THIRD time on Monday b/c she threw up once again on Sunday evening. She was still acting pretty happy and normal on Monday, and the doc still feels with reasonable certainty, with all tings considered, it is a weird virus. The alternative is some pretty unpleasant tests, and thus far, her symptoms have not warranted it, and why put her through it if we can avoid it. Monday passes vomit free!!! Yeah! Then last night, she did it AGAIN.
And now she is complaining of her ear hurting (which commenced while she was vomiting, and want constant pressure and coolness on her ear. God, am I really going to go to the
Dr again??!! More than anything, I am just worried. The longer the this
vomiting continues, the more likely it is something more serious.
Now the rats. We thought we really had em this time. We very creatively and effectively closed off the hole underneath the
water heater...quite a feat with only 3" of space clearance. Next morning, the two wheat stalks in a dying flower
bouquet had been skillfully removed and shucked. By deduction, there is another entrance we're unaware of, OR (the horror!) they're nesting in the garage somewhere. So
all through
naptime yesterday, I removed everything from the garage, checked, put some loose items in bins, looked thoroughly for these
little buggers.....NOTHING. All sleeping bags have had to be washed and will now be stored inside to remove any temptation there. The clean bags are sitting on the floor upstairs in the luandry room (while the vomit-covered bedding washes and drys) until I figure out how I am going to oragnize them..when I get the time that is. So my guy returns today to put down some giant glue boards.....not exactly
pleasant for anything involved...
but they won't touch the peanut butter on
the traps.